How Many Mistakes?

Yesterday’s Problem:

What comes next in this sequence: e, g, k, m, q, _ ?


“s” – arrange prime numbers according to alphabet 1=a, 2=b, etc., but starting at 5 it’s 5(e), 7(g), 11(k), 13(m), 17(q), 19=s

Today’s Problem:

How many mistakes in these sentences? “This sentance contanes one misteak.” AND “Their are three misteaks in this sentence.”

How Many?

Yesterday’s Problem:

Two of the following statements are false. What are the real names of each person?

Carl’s last name is Smythe.
Carl’s last name is Taylor.
Kevin’s last name is Taylor.


Carl Taylor, Kevin Smythe

Today’s Problem:

A very neat office worker wears a clean shirt every day. If he drops off his laundry every Monday night, and at the same time picks up his previous week’s laundry, how many shirts does he need to keep wearing a clean one every day?